Welcome to our blog! We decided that we would create a pregnancy blog to let our friends and family keep track of how things are going for us. In case you haven't heard, we're having a baby! I'm officially 8 1/2 weeks along, and we're due sometime around the 9th of January 2014.
If you want some background information on Jon and I, please refer to
this post from my other blog. We met, we became friends, we dated, we fell in love, we got engaged, we got married, and now we're having a baby. That pretty much sums it up.
Now, the deeper story. 8 months married may seem to some an early time to get pregnant, but here's how things went for us. Back before we got married, I knew that I would have a contract for work for a year and we decided it would be best for me to go on birth control. This was a little over a year ago. I was on the pill for a month. That was possibly one of the worst months of my life. I was in pain every single day, my acne exploded, and I was severely depressed. I had never felt so awful in my life. So, Jon and I went to the temple and asked the Lord if this was really what was right for us. The answer we got was to trust in the Lord's timing and that He would help us have children when the time was right, whenever that may be. We just needed to trust Him and His timeline for us.
That was enough for us. I stopped taking the pill and we decided to use other methods of birth control once we got married. Well, 6 months came and went, and in January I had a vivid dream about being a mother. It really stuck with me and I discussed it with Jon. He wasn't quite on the same page yet, so we waited. Two months later he was ready to start trying. Around that time, I also came across
this article, which really changed my perspective on motherhood as a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. It struck me really hard and solidified in my mind that I needed to be a mother.
I always thought that testing to see when you're ovulating, counting the days, and checking your basal temperature etc. took all the romance out of things, so we decided to just let things happen and we'd get pregnant when the Lord's time was right. Little did we know that the time would be right a little over a month after we started trying.
On May 9th I had been feeling funny all day. I was tired and lethargic, even after I had napped. So I wasn't sure what was wrong. Then a little voice in my head said "maybe you're pregnant". I figured there was no harm in taking a test, so I did. And it was positive. I started reeling! How could it be?! It happened so fast! But 5 days and 6 positive pregnancy tests later, it finally started to sink in.
I just want to say that I feel great. I'm able to manage my fatigue, I have zero morning sickness/queasiness, and my only real symptoms are some achy breasts and pelvis. I feel healthy, and happy, and more excited about this than I've been about anything in a long time. Jon is over the moon. His current refrain is "I just want to meet our kid!". We are happy to be parents and look forward to the future!