Well, I've been having cramping off and on for the past week. Friday morning I went for a prenatal massage and she did some pressure points which totally messed with my body. I had severe back pain for 15 hours, to the point that I couldn't sleep and got no relief even when in a hot bath. I called the hospital and they said it just sounded like baby was moving down and not like labour. So I didn't go in.
Yesterday we went for a walk and when we got back home I had leaked through my clothes and had to change my pants. So dignified. It kept happening today as well (I had incontinence with Avery at this point as well but this felt different) so I decided we should go to the hospital and double check that it wasn't amniotic fluid.
We got there tonight around 8:30 and they did some quick tests to see if baby was doing ok (he was), and if I was having contractions (I wasn't). Then they checked to see if I was indeed leaking amniotic fluid and they said they thought it was a positive result but that they would run some slides and double check. Well, turned out to be negative, unfortunately so no induction for us tonight. She said I'm 1cm dilated, 30% effaced and cervix is soft, all good things. I have a sweep on Wednesday so maybe that will speed things along.
38 weeks and counting!