Friday, October 2, 2015

3 Months Old!

My little chunker is 3 months old today!  This month I've stayed off of all the allergens and added a few more foods to take off the list (legumes and corn) to see if he keeps improving.  Once all those are taken out and he's consistently better then I might try to reintroduce stuff again.  Still no word from the allergist office.  His eczema was cleared up but then came back (not super bad, just flaky and kinda gross) so hence adding more to the "no-no" list for me.  I'm having fun experimenting with alternative protein though.  I made some protein balls that were fairly good, though they make me gassy, so I think quinoa is not something I can eat.  I've had everything else that was in it with no problems.  I had my ultrasound and was supposed to get my results this week but I haven't heard from my doctor yet.  I'll wait another week before I give him a call.  I had gallbladder pain almost constantly after the ultrasound.  I think they irritated it pretty badly.  They were shoving the ultrasound camera up into my ribs for over an hour.  Hopefully we will find out soon.

Eli also had his baby blessing this month.  It was very special and we were happy to have Grandpa out for it.

Length: 27 inches long
Weight: 17lb 4oz (my chubster!)
Hair Colour: Red/brown
Eye Colour: Blue
Eating and Sleeping Habits: He's breastfeeding usually every 2.5-3 hours now during the day.  He's nursing more effectively and I'm not letting him nurse to sleep as often because he gets more gassy when I do.  He isn't sleeping great, but there are many factors in that I'm sure.  He does usually stretches of 2-3 hours with an occasional 4 hour stretch in there too.  We co-sleep part of the night and he sleeps in the pack and play beside me part of the night as well.  Avery sometimes wakes him up and Jon's snoring sometimes wakes him up, and gas sometimes wakes him up, so it's not really his "fault" per say.  He's getting more consistent for naps now too.  He will be awake anywhere between 1.5-2 hours between them and nap for 30-90 minutes, depending on the time of day.  I think I've got him into the habit of having a longer afternoon nap because we usually sleep together while Avery is sleeping and he is down for 2-2.5 hours when we do.  Yay for coordinated naps! :D
New Skills: He can grab and hold onto the hanging toys now.  He even pulls them to his face so he can chew on them.  It's super cute.  He can keep his head up without support about 90% of the time.  He's started imitating sounds as well.  I am totally convinced he's said a few words here and there  haha.
Favourite Things: Avery.  He loves to watch her play and he smiles every time she comes over to talk to him.  He loves her squishy hugs and kisses, even when she almost suffocates him doing them.  He loves talking and people in general.  Very sociable.  I've also noticed he loves being warm, almost excessively so.  He likes to be so hot he sweats.  He cries when he's a little bit cold.  Definitely a summer baby.

I feel like Eli and I are best buds.  He knows just what to do to make me feel happy.  I love how Avery is with him and the enthusiasm she has for him.  First thing in the morning she asks "Baby? Baby?" because she wants to play with him.  My heart melts.  I wouldn't have it any other way!