Friday, September 27, 2013

Moving and Grooving!

This past Wednesday marks the 24 week mark (or 6 months!).  I've been pregnant for 6 months.  Wow, it doesn't seem like it's been that long.  I'm sure the next few months will more than make up for it, and make it seem very long indeed.

I'm suffering through my first pregnancy cold right now.  I knew I was fighting it off Monday and Tuesday and by Wednesday morning I felt like death.  I sent Jon out to buy a myriad of things from Shoppers so that I could get well.  We got a humidifier and Netirinse, which is like a neti pot, but better.  And some regular tylenol, halls cough drops, vapo rub, and some chicken noodle soup.  The humidifier works wonders, let me tell you.  It made it possible for me to breathe through my nose and I was able to sleep through the night.  I also tried putting the vapo rub on the bottoms of my feet with socks on top (which multiple people swear by) and I didn't cough all night.  I still feel pretty awful, but already much better than Wednesday.  I have a feeling I'm going to have this dry cough for a while though.

As for pregnancy stuff, Jon is now able to feel baby kicking!  He even pressed his ear to my belly yesterday to try and hear her (which he did!) and she kicked him in the cheek!  She seems to respond to his voice whenever he talks to her.  We also both saw the kicks-i.e. little shockwaves bouncing from my belly.  It was the coolest thing.  Jon's face was hilarious when he saw it.  I'm in love with his wonder at this baby in my belly.  He is so excited.  We both just want to meet her!  We know it'll be tough, but we're so ready to be parents.

I've also been having some rib pain (only on my right side) off and on, depending on the day.  It usually happens if I combine eating too much and not laying down during the day.  No amount of massage or warm baths helps it go away.  Just sleeping.  I may have to finally spring for some bigger bras, as my ribcage is most definitely expanding.  Take a look at this visual:

Baby takes up a lot of room in there!  By now, my uterus is about the size of a soccer ball.  That's crazy!  Baby weighs approximately a pound and a half and from head to toe is about 8.5 inches from head to rump (which is the length of the short side of a standard letter-sized paper).  She will gain another half pound during the next two weeks.  It's amazing that it took her 5.5 months to gain 1 pound and only 1 month to gain another.  How cool is that?!  Thankfully I've still only gained 10lbs so that's another plus.  I'm in the guidelines for my BMI cateogry, so I'm happy.

My next Doctor's appointment is on Monday.  I get to do the icky, nasty gestational diabetes test.  Basically I have to drink a super sugary drink and then they take a blood sample an hour after that to see how high my blood sugar is.  Oh joy.  But it's necessary, so I'll grin an bear it.  I want baby to be healthy!

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