Wednesday, January 15, 2014


My uterus has just put out an eviction notice for baby.  She has about 10 days to get herself vacated from my womb on her own before my OB will do it for her.  I had been having contractions off and on for about 2 weeks now, but still nothing.  Saturday and Sunday were especially difficult and I had LOTS of Braxton Hicks.  So, yesterday, I decided I would take some castor oil in order to help labour happen.  Well, 27 hours and many bathroom trips later, I feel pretty good...but no contractions.  Guess baby isn't ready yet.  I may try again in a few days.  Anything would be better than induction, in my opinion.

On Monday I had my 40 week appointment.  My BP was the lowest it's been thus far at 100/60.  I'm totally relaxed and just ready for her to come already, so that's probably why.  I don't have anxiety, and I'm just bored.  All the baby things I had to do are done.  I even detailed the car last night and installed the car seat.  They offered to strip my membranes on Monday to get labour started, but I said no.  I've heard it can be painful and I hadn't hit my due date yet anyway.  My OB scheduled an ultrasound for Friday morning, just to make sure baby is still doing fine and to make sure we don't have to induce her early.  She's still squirming around in there, so I'm sure she's doing great.

My belly has dropped even more and now looks like I'm a basketball smuggler.  I've been trying to be active and walk around a lot to help my body get ready, but it makes me sleepy.  I've been sleeping about 8-9 hours a night (minus bathroom trips) and 1-2 hours napping during the day.  I had resisted for a long time because I didn't want to throw off my sleep schedule, but many moms have assured me that I should sleep when I feel tired because you never know when labour will start or how long it will be.  One day at a time.  At least I have the assurance that I will meet my baby girl sometime in the next 10 days.  Exciting!

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