Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Two Months Old!

Eli is two months old today.  He's super strong and growing very fast.  He has rolled over from tummy to back (consistently) and can almost go back to tummy, he just has to figure out how to go farther from his side.  His eczema is almost gone.  I've tried re-introducing soy, wheat, and nuts so far and he's reacted to all of them.  Soy was the worst.  He also seems to react to my prenatals (which I started up again) so either there's soy in them (not labelled) or he's reacting to something else in them.  It's a bit of a guessing game.  Talked to his doctor today and we're getting an allergy test for him.  Not sure when but the referral is in so that's progress.  I'm gonna wait to re-introduce anything else until we have a date set for the test.  He also seems to have a hard time with the probiotic drops, so we stopped giving them for now.  I'm basically eating all forms of rice, veggies and fruit, and chicken.  Red meat has given me gallbladder issues (I'm going for an ultrasound to check for gall stones) so I've mostly cut that out for now as well.  It's been rough, not gonna lie.

Length: 25 inches long
Weight: 14lb 8oz
Hair Colour:  Red
Eye Colour: Blue
Eating and Sleeping Habits: Eats anywhere from 1.5-3 hours during the day.  Longest stretch of sleep 4.5 hours.  I am hoping this will improve once we resolve his allergy issues.
New Skills: Rolling tummy to back, smiling and cooing, laughing, swatting at hanging toys, following moving targets with his eyes and head, turning to look at noises.
Favourite Things:  talking to Mama and Daddy, being held, rocking in the swing, cuddles with Avery

He's really great.  The days he starts feeling better from the re-introduction of foods he is so calm and happy and naps really well.  He's so happy.  He smiles and coos when he sees me.  I can make him laugh and smile so easily.  Just a great temperament, I love it!


  1. That first picture is killing me!!! Such a smiley boy!!

    1. I know right?! He's just so happy! Avery used to smile once and then be like, "What? You want MORE smiles?" lol
